
How it works

option 1 - We come to you

For most gyms this is our recommended option simply because it maximises impact - and you get a lot more bang for your Buck! We come to you and can train up to 15 of your team in one hit, which means, as the Gym owner, you’ve immediately demonstrated a willingness to go above and beyond your duty of care as far as your legal obligations are concerned. By doing it this way you are also increasing the likelihood thats theres always going to be at least one trained person available if needed, without the need to schedule cover rotas etc. It doesn’t have to be only coaches or instructors who attend either, as our training is ideal for anyone who is around your gym a lot.

The training is tailored specifically for your gym and for your set up. We know no two gyms are the same, and part of our expertise lies in our ability to grasp your context, adapt the training program to compliment it and work with you to ensure you’ve got everything in place to cover your legal obligations.

For Certified First Aid Education - In 6 hours we cover all of the appropriate injuries and illnesses that can be reasonably expected from participation in Your Combat Sport. We keep it contextually relevant, do it on all the mat and in the Gi (or your normal fightwear) use proven educational methods to maximise everyones confidence and willingness to act whilst simultaneously embedding their first aid skills and knowledge to enhance retention. What better Safety solution than to have your students surrounded by fellow team members who are trained, ready,willing and able to help if something happens! and at the same time your Gym Owner legal obligations are covered under Health & Safety Law. Courses available for BJJ / No Gi Grappling / MMA / Wrestling / Judo / Muay Thai & other Striking Environments.

For Certified Safeguarding Training - In 4 hours we cover all of the essential elements of Safeguarding in the context of your Gym or Academy. Because we know the gym environment we know that you need to consider amongst other things, building layout, timetable structures, visitor access as well as photography policies, transportation to competitions, seminars and events, after class child collection arrangements, GDPR compliance and record keeping, responsible Social media contact etc in order to protect Children, and importantly protect the Coaches and Class Assistants too!

That’s before we even get to the principles of best practice safeguarding, types and signs of abuse,what to do if someone reports a concern and, most importantly, how to get these Policies and Procedures embedded into the Gym culture and working for you, rather than being seen as just another intrusive hoop to jump through! Just like our argument for not rubber stamping First Aid certificates, paying lip service to the issue of safeguarding is actually putting your students at risk of potential harm, and when it comes to student safety we simply won’t compromise!

For Certified Equality & Diversity Training - This 4 hour Equality and Diversity training course has been designed to help Gym owners, Senior Instructors and Coaches understand more about their responsibilities for promoting equality and diversity in the Combat Sports Gym or Full time Martial Arts Academy environment. The course provides an introduction to the Equality Act 2010, details what are known as the “protected characteristics”and how they might apply to your Combat Sports gym setting. The course teaches you how you to avoid inadvertent discrimination through your words and actions, looks at behaviour that is prohibited by the Equality Act and aims to help you to promote a fair, tolerant and diverse teaching and learning environment. Like we’ve said elsewhere on this site “you may think don’t need it, until you need it, but if you ever do need it, you’ll wish you already had it!”

option 2 - You come to us

For the smaller gyms or individuals who need the training but aren’t able to take Option 1, or for those newly qualified coaches whose Gym has already taken option 1 and need to catch up. By necessity option 2 clearly can’t be “Your” Gym specific, but it is still “Combat Sports Gym” relative, so addressing the nuances of your specific training environment, whilst they will be touched on during the course, will require you to work out how to apply what you’ve learned to your own Gym environment. That said, the leading edge content and educational methodologies used on the course are the same as option 1.

We run a our 6 hour Certified First Aid Education course quarterly from our base at Gracie Barra Gloucester. We do it on our mats and in your normal training attire

We run our 4 hour Certified Safeguarding Course quarterly from our base at Gracie Barra Gloucester.

We run our 4 hour Certified Equality and Diversity Course Quarterly from our base at Gracie Barra Gloucester

There are a maximum of 15 learners on each of these courses. As we’ve already said, “… of course you’ll find plenty of training providers that offer courses in the subjects we offer, and some of them will be cheaper no doubt, but what they don’t have is the contextual experience of being a longstanding active Combat Sports / Martial Arts practitioner or of running a Combat Sports Gym … or better still, both!

And, just to be really clear, to us, none of the stuff we do is just a rubber stamping exercise for you to get a certificate or procedure on the gym wall that shows you’ve done a course. A piece of paper is no proof that you have, nor does it give you, the confidence you will need to act in a medical emergency, nor is it proof you are serious about Safeguarding the Children in your care, or indeed serious about creating an environment of Equality and Diversity in your gym.